Sentinel Wealth Management
Independent Advisors | Proactive Management | Personalized Service
The advantage of an independent investment advisory firm…
An independent advisor is simply a firm that is not restricted by a single company’s investment offerings. We can go anywhere to find the right mix to meet your financial objectives. Instead of limited options dictated by one company we can choose from an extensive suite of diverse investments designed to meet the needs of investors today.
At Sentinel we do not work for a Wall Street brokerage firm, an insurance company, a bank, or an accounting firm. We work for you. We have no company directed products or inventory we are obligated to use. We are independent, objective, and unbiased in our financial advice.
We are an independent team with big partners. RBC Correspondent Services, backed byRoyal Bank of Canada, is one of the most secure financial institutions in the world, and is custodian of all our client's funds and accounts.
Moloney Securities provides compliance and regulatory oversight over day-to-day operations.
The advantage of paying less for more…
We do not charge for transactions or trades so when working with a Sentinel adviser you’re not working with someone motivated to use investments that pay commissions. At Sentinel, our compensation is based on the assets we advise not on transactions like buy and sell orders.
A single, quarterly fee based on assets under management covers the personalized professional services you receive and all transactions at no additional cost. This allows us to minimize conflicts of interest and align our financial success, and interests, with yours. When you prosper, we prosper.
This means more opportunities, greater flexibility, less expense.
The advantage of managing risk first and return second…
When it comes to balancing risk with return our goal is simple: to constantly strive for the best return with the least risk possible.
Both growing and preserving your wealth demands a management style of flexibility not rigidity. Risks in the market are never constant and always changing, the ability to adjust your risk (and return) without incurring transaction cost can provide a significant advantage. We keep your portfolio within your risk tolerance and make adjustments as needed to keep it so.
The advantage of discretionary portfolio management…
No cookie cutter approach here. You need services and solutions that are as unique as you are. But managing a diversified portfolio takes a lot of time and resources so let us do it for you.
First, we work with you to create a personal investment strategy customized to your needs.
When completed, we select the portfolio allocations that are the best fit for your risk level, values and objectives.
Then your portfolio is monitored and managed daily with all changes, such as buys and sells, executed with discretion on your behalf. We keep you engaged and informed along the way.
Need more details? Contact us
We are here to assist. Contact us by phone, email or via our Social Media channels.